It Just Blows!

This chapter of life just blows! To holy kingdom and back. Just blows! This is purgatory. There is no two ways about this. It must be. With no idea where we are heading. Will this train-wreck continue? Are we going straight to hell or is a divine hand going to pull us back to life?…

When the going gets tougher and tougher and …

One by one, Jitish’s provisional aides bid their congratulatory goodbyes. Almost a year after the Trach and Peg tube were removed, it was time for the IVC filter to bid adieu. The removal of the Trach and Peg tubes were a long drawn, painful process. But at the time, Jitish was barely aware of his own state or surroundings….

What happens after? Understanding Brain Functionality

I have had a very rude awakening to TBI. I knew little to nothing of traumatic brain injury prior to the accident. Oblivious and ignorant. Until I was told that my husband suffered a Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. I didn’t quite understand the gravity of the aftermath and its long term consequences, until the Doctors and Nurses slowly…

TBI Rehabilitation – Assisted Living vs. Going Home

In early September of last year, I had to make a tough choice of whether I should enroll my husband in a Neurorestorative program. I had to evaluate if he was safe to come home and if it was even the right time for his development to be home. I had to judge if I had the…