Despite the fact

Despite the grave misfortune of meeting with the accident, every moment since has been a course correction. And the mighty forces seem to have extended a helping hand.

Fortunately, we were close to one of the leading Neuro trauma hospitals in the country. He was medflighted  under eight minutes. I was carrying the only phone between us and had the awareness to call my sister and let her know. Fortunately, my sister could fly to us in a few hours. She could let the doctors know who we were and informed our family, friends and work. She was our voice! No one would have known where we were. It’s not so abnormal to have a busy week and stay out of touch with people. No one would have known. Jitish would have continued to be called XX Chad and me, XX Korea.

For some reason, I was to stay conscious throughout the whole episode. I requested the women surrounding me to tell me how he was doing. To pull me closer to him. Nothing. I urged the paramedics to give me the current status on Jitish. Nothing. I remember paramedics giving me painkiller shots. I remember the fifteen minute bumpy ambulance ride to the hospital. Were we going to the same hospital. Yes. I asked my trauma team at UW where my husband was. Nothing. X-rays, scans and consults later, I went through a question and answer round. Do you know where you are? What’s the date? What happened? May 3rd, accident, UW Madison. Detective Bill comes to ask me about the accident and take a statement. I remember and recount everything. Any update on Jitish? Nothing.

Nothing for a long while.

And finally a nurse walks in. Does he have diabetes? He is still breathing. He is there. He has to. Or they wouldn’t ask me questions about him. Question answered. He walks out in a rush. There is a sensor urgency. I had no idea what Jitish was facing. Trauma team protects and fixes. Protecting me from what was happening to Jitish was a difficult decision for them to make I am sure. I stayed awake. And then came the time for traction. I surely did something to my leg. It was clearly in bad shape. At 10pm a paramedic/trauma nurse holding what only sounded like a drill, drove it through my leg. That was traction. Never ever go through traction without an aesthetic. Never. Well, never be in a situation where you would need traction.

But compared to what Jitish was encountering and the future we were going to live, this was barely a scratch! I’d have taken more if it had helped him. Guilt.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. more power to you girl….strength and prayers


  2. chitra says:

    Love to read your blog, It gives me immense strength to build myself as a person to know that every small thing i crib about seems seamless by looking at u turn around and fight every minute to keep things together inspires me to go up front look over the small road blocks.. keep blogging….praying constantly to get bhaiya back in form… loads of love


    1. Soumya Nair says:

      Hi Chitra, Thank you for giving me strength and for your prayers.


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